
The {C} Family

A few weeks ago, I had an itch to do some more photos--of someone else besides my babies. I told my sister-in-law Becky this, and she said her sister-in-law, Brook, wanted to get some family pictures done. (I had photographed the children back in March.) So, we worked out a time to get together, and I had such a great time photographing this fun family! They were more than willing to do everything I wanted them to do!Little Miss {M}, was diagnosed with tortocalis when she was 4 months old. She gets to wear this cute helmet as part of her Orthosis Cranial Remolding Therapy. Brook has made a blog about their experience to help others in this situation. If you know of anyone who has gone through this, or is going through it now, you'll want to read it. Find her blog here.Thank you {C} family for letting me take your portraits! I loved every second of it!
I hope you enjoyed the sneak peak...I still have a few more to edit, then I'll get your CD to you ASAP!!!Also, thanks Becky, for watching the boys for me during the photo shoot. I appreciate it so VERY much! (Your family is next, right?)


  1. They turned out GREAT!!! Yes we are next if I can just get Judd and Quinn home at the same time. Judd so he can be in the photo and Quinn so he can watch your cuties :)
    Thanks love them!!!

  2. My two favorite pictures are the ones with the dad and the two little girls and then the mom and the two little girls. It just captures so much love and fun in the family. Can't wait to have you do our family pictures.
